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More than just a platform | SCANNOW City-Exploring App.


SCANNOW connects people and city culture to find hidden gems instinctively and rewardingly. With exclusive offers by our partnered brands and shops, we enable you to truly experience the joy of endorsing local businesses and culture!

Join our community
| values mission & effort together.

SCANNOW 串連一群有心有力的本地單位,讓大家以SCANNOW app 作為您的本地品牌文化指南,探索 玩,食,店,藝 4個不同範疇,隨時隨地讓他們的理念激起您的熱情與好奇!

Follow us as your city brand and culture guide to explore featured PLAY, FOOD, SHOP and ART spots. Let their missions spark your interests and passion, wherever you are and you go!


Not an usual loyalty program
| Explore to Earn

SCANNOW app建立一個 Explore to Earn 的獎賞計劃,鼓勵大家探索本地品牌及文化。立即使用SCANNOW app 發掘這個城市,獲取 S-points 換取豐富的本地品牌禮品!

We provide an Explore to Earn reward program to reward you for supporting local businesses. S-point would be earned by exploring around the city with SCANNOW app. The more you earn, the merrier we give away one-of-a-kind and local brand's products for you to enjoy!

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